Hello, Spring.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Well it's here. Happy Spring to you all! If you're like me and you live in a state where you actually get to enjoy the seasons, then soak it up, because it seems as if the heat of summer is never far behind.

We have had this week off from Trek-X because Chris, who disciples us, has been in the Philippines and Romania making preparations for the 4 students who are moving there in September! This time next year he will be making the same preparations for Mitch and I (either in the Dominican Rep. or Guatemala)! Crazy!

This week I have been taking time to enjoy the small things. I took a walk through our little neighborhood to take some pictures of the beautiful Nashville scenery. 

I enjoyed some of my favorite fruit:

I've been watching it rain for several days. The April shower's have come early! 

I'll end on this note. A few days ago I was reading in Luke and these verses caught my attention. The 21st chapter is Jesus talking about the signs of the end of times. While I haven't a clue when our King will return, I do know that the word tells us to be alert (1 Peter tells us 3x)! Even Peter tells us that "the end of things is near," and that was ages ago! "…Stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Luke 21: 28 
Praise God!

I have an afternoon date with some crafts, and then a date with the mister this evening! :)
Have a lovely weekend! 

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